The Freedom Hotline

Wanna have us on your speed dial?

Imagine reaching out to us whenever you have a question, need an idea, or want an extra set of eyes on your current project…

Hey Sarah, my sales page is converting at 2%. What are 2-3 changes you suggest to improve conversions?  

Hey Justin, what's the easiest way to get 10-15 testimonials in the next few weeks for an offer I'm re-launching?

Hey guys, here's my Mini Workshop checkout page. Can you suggest a few order bump ideas to increase my AOV?

Hey Justin, can you watch my latest reel and give me 1-2 ideas to improve and work on moving forward?

Hey Sarah, can you take at my email nurture sequence and help me weave in CTAs to book a call for my backend offer?

Hey y'all, I'd love to bring in some extra cash this month. Got an idea or templates for a simple flash sale I can email my list?

For the first time ever, we’re giving a small group of business owners this level of direct access & support.



Reach out 24/7 — whenever it works for you! You’ll have a messaging channel where you send us a text, audio, or video question at any time.



No need to worry about time zones, wait for a weekly call, or show up to a Zoom call to get support. Send us a message from your phone or computer, whenever it’s convenient for you.



Ask us anything about Mini workshops, offer Creation, simple marketing, video creation, business systems, social proof, and more.



This isn’t about strategies you’ll use “someday.” Get our hands-on help with the tasks & questions you’re dealing with in your business today.



Want to know something about our own funnels, systems, launches, partnership, or offers? Ask away! We’ll even share internal resources.



Leverage our combined expertise! Get our in-the-trenches insights on building multiple multi-million dollar businesses in difference niches.



This isn’t just business coaching. This is business coaching that prioritizes your values, your personality, and your “rules of engagement.”



Zero videos. Zero modules. Zero resources. Ask us about what you’re working on right now — and we’ll send answers, resources, guidance, and feedback.



We're not your typical coaches and marketers. You can expect simple solutions and ideas that lead to a lighter business and life.

Here’s who The Freedom Hotline is perfect for:



You’re ready to take action and celebrate quick wins. You also know that sustainable change doesn’t happen overnight. So you’re not in a rush — in fact, you’re excited to “stack” the tiny daily tweaks that will slowly lead to big-time freedom.



You already have validated offers, revenue coming in, and an existing audience. The hotline doesn’t provide the right structure or support for starting from scratch. But when you’ve already got assets? We’ll find low-hanging fruit in no time.



You love being the decision-maker in your biz. You’re excited to have us “on call” for feedback & ideas. But you’re not trying to outsource your CEO, hand over big-picture decisions, or have a genie-in-a-bottle tell you what to do. ;)

If that's you, put us “in your back pocket” and we’ll help you tackle the hiccups & hurdles on your way to freedom. 

Apply for The Freedom Hotline:

Once you submit the application, here’s what happens next:

  1. We’ll email you with your invitation link if you’re a good fit. (Or we’ll let you know if this offer doesn’t look like the right option for you.) 
  2. If we send you the invitation link, we’ll hold your spot for 24 hours to give you time to submit your payment and make it official! 
  3. Then, you’ll get a link to set up a 15-minute onboarding call so we can get you set up for success & grant you access to your private hotline messaging channel

One final note

We’re not interested in “selling” anyone into this. 

We’re interested in helping a handful of awesome humans build simple businesses & happy lives. 

And if that’s where you’re already headed…

It would be an honor to get “in the trenches” with you and help you get there faster.