Use simple low-key videos to build trust and make sales — without saying 'trust me' or 'buy now'
Tired of spending hours recording a single video…only to get few comments and even fewer sales?
Worried that you don’t have good enough lighting, camera, or tech skills to create videos that work?
Sick of feeling “behind” with making video content…but you don’t know where to start or what to focus on?
Here’s what we know for sure going into 2025
Fact #1: Trust is at an all-time low, and most people are craving raw, unfiltered, real content
Fact #2: YouTube and other platforms are amplifying simple low-tech videos from small creators and channels
Fact #3: But many businesses are turning to AI, fancy editing tools, and faceless strategies to be “less human” in their videos
Bottom line
Showing up on video is the #1 unfair advantage for connecting with and selling to your ideal audience in 2025.
And the best part...
You don't need pro video gear.
You don't need to be an extrovert (we aren't).
And, you don't even need to be confident on camera yet (though you will be after this workshop).
Inside Silent Selling, we'll show you...
- Why relying on a perfect script is totally unnecessary
- The strategies we use in our video ads, social media videos, and workshops to build trust and make sales
- How to instantly establish relatability with your videos within the first 5 seconds
- The #1 mistake business owners make with cameras & lighting (plus the only equipment you need if you want to sell with video content)
- How to align what you’re saying in your video with what you’re visually communicating, to naturally inspire action
- Simple “recipes” for your video lighting, angles, background, location, etc. — depending on your niche & what you’re selling
- How to decide on the right “recipe” for every type of video content, from ads and reels to VSLs and workshops
- Why leveraging video content is essential in 2025, even if you don’t consider yourself an “on camera” person (we’ll share “introvert-friendly” tips)

Give us $97 and 90 minutes and you’ll walk away with a simple process to build trust and make sales with low-key videos
Meet your workshop hosts!

We’ve used short videos to sell workshop tickets, digital products, courses, memberships, and masterminds. And honestly, we never planned to host a video workshop in 2025.
But as more and more entrepreneurs get on the “AI bandwagon” to automate, polish, robot-ize their marketing…
there’s never been a better time to stand out & reach your ideal people through “human first” videos.
Plus, good news: simple videos are getting the most traction, so you don’t need to be a camera wizard.
Got a question?
Will this work for any videos I make?
Will this help me with non-sales video content?
Will you tell me what to say in my videos?
What if I don’t make a lot of video content right now?
I feel so awkward on video — help!
Do I need fancy gear for this strategy?
I have one last question…can you help?